Like all of our nation’s firefighters, Scott Smoot is a modern-day hero. 

Not just for protecting us, but for his insatiable courage off duty. 

While working on his grandfather’s tractor one day, Scott had to remove a bolt that required impact. Unbeknownst to him, gasoline had leaked a little more than he was accustomed to smelling. As he pulled the trigger on the drill, the explosion was immediate. 

“I rolled as soon as I felt the heat,” Scott said. “I stood up thinking I had eliminated anything burning, and as fate would have it, my pants and shirt were ablaze. The gas was soaked into my pants. I rapidly removed my clothes which was my only alternative. I managed to control my breathing to prevent shock from setting in. My father activated 911 as my grandfather used an extinguisher to put the fire out.”

Scott was flown to the University of Virginia for immediate surgery. After 15 days, multiple grafting surgeries, and three days of staple removal, he finally went home. 

“I was bedridden for 93 days,” Scott added. “After that, I was cleared to return to work as a career firefighter. Ironic, huh?”

It took Scott 16 months to return to the gym. He credits his father for driving endless miles retrieving items for his recovery, his mother seeing to meals, clean linens daily and her love, and his sister. 

“My sister tended to my dressing changes every day for 68 days and took me to all of my appointments,” Scott said. “And my now fiancé that stayed by my side as steadfast as can be. Without them, I wouldn’t be sharing my story today.”

As he contemplated his gym return, Scott found APEMAN STRONG. Immediately, APEMAN appealed to Scott like nothing before. Scott says the one-word sayings were like sledgehammers of motivation. 

Ultimately, this was his spark to return to the gym. 

“When I finally got the courage to return, David Lane met me with open arms as a partner,” Scott said. “David beat me up pretty well over the course of time. But as I donned my POWERED BY RAGE shirt, the two together fueled me to fight harder. I read the card that accompanies the package after my second order from APEMAN. I was so moved by the message, I made my family read it and I carry one in my gym bag to this day and read it at meets.”

Some fellow friends and iron clangers of Scott pushed him to enter powerlifting competitions. Again, ironically, they were already proud supporters of APEMAN. They pushed Scott in training and motivated him through their knowledge. 

Scott has gone on to win five first place competitions in the 198 and 200-pound weight classes.

“I read through the APEMAN website one day and found the LIFTED Campaign,” Scott said. “Not only was I an immediate supporter, I became an advocate. From those rebounding to punch adversity in the face and become better to those motivated and charged by the APEMAN message, the brand is truly special. I have now gone on to train all ages in strength. Male and female alike, from 13-56 years old. When I am asked, ‘Scott, what is APEMAN?’ I tell them you are one of the reasons I am here today. Then I give them my ‘time-to-go-to-work’ war cry and we all unleash our inner apemen.”

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